Pop Art Portrait
Digital Painting

Josix Lozada Neo Pop Art Digital Paintings

Hi, I’m Josix Lozada, or as I am best known on the networks (Instagram) as Josix Design. 36-year-old Venezuelan. Educator, graphic designer and illustrator. I mostly lean towards Andy Warhol’s Pop Art style, but at the same time, I can give my (digital) paintings an innovative style due to their colors and the watercolor-like technique that I use in each one of them.

I also have to emphasize that in my Neo Pop Art I give them a touch of realism, but at the same time playing with fantasy, and I do that using neon colors and figures (I use neon colors as a way of paying tribute to the 80s since it is the decade in which I was born). And also at certain times, I incorporate comic bubbles in each of them (in the best Pop Art style).

But to conclude, it is worth highlighting the following, that in my Neo Pop Art I like to give a story, show a reality or a message, since art is the most direct way of reaching people. ~ Josix_Design

Art and Technique
Digital Pop Art. (neon colors with caricature-like strokes and in turn together with watercolor effects).

Neo Pop Art Behind a heelNeo Pop Art: Behind a heel- (Josix Lozada-2021): In this paint In this painting I highlight the story behind the heels and the meaning that it represents today, which is femininity, security and power in each of the women who wear them.

Bob pop artNeo Pop Art: Neo Pop Art- Bob’s thoughts- (Josix Lozada-2021): A tribute to the great reggae musician Bob Marley along with one of his most iconic phrases.

Digital Pop Art PortraitNeo Pop Art- Dean’s ideals- (Josix Lozada-2021): A tribute to the great idol of Hollywood golden cinema James Dean. And to all his fans.

Delicious Breakfast Pop art

Neo Pop Art- Delicious Breakfast- (Josix Lozada-2021): This painting is a result of a work in my art class, of how one of the most favorite breakfasts of all Americans could make pop.

Pop Art Kurt vs CobainNeo Pop Art- Kurt vs Cobain- Josix Lozada (2021): In this painting I clearly portray the creative side of Kurt and how all that inspiration came and then made it to music, but there is also the other side, that of Cobain, whose side was being dominated by his inner demons and he always tried to fight them.

Pop Art No more dramaNeo Pop Art- No more drama- (Josix Lozada-2021): When you get tired of the drama around you.

Digital Neo Pop ArtNeo Pop Art- Not even the Rolling Stones can resist an oreo-( Josix Lozada-2021): In this painting I make 2 tributes, one is to the Rollings stone and the famous oreo cookies.

Pop Art Michael JacksonNeo Pop Art- Only 80’s- (Josix Lozada-2021): Tribute to the King of Pop Michael Jackson.

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