Hyper realistic animal portraits

Melanie Schauer Hyper Realistic Portraits of Animals

My name is Melanie Schauer and as a freelance artist, I have specialized in animal portraits in acrylic & pastel. With my art, I want to reflect the soul, characteristics and values of animals. No matter whether wild or domestic animal, I paint every picture with passion and all my heart. It is a great desire of mine to represent the respective animal as realistically as possible, but also to reflect the individual character and its soul.

Are you an animal lover and would like to showcase your rooms even better with unique art? Do you have a favorite animal or would you like to impressively emphasize your values or company philosophy?

Artist Melanie Schauer specialized in animal portraits

For example, identify yourself with the loyalty and sovereignty of a wolf that is strongest with its community or a tiger that always keeps focus while hunting. The majestic lion who would do anything for its family. Then an animal portrait is just the right thing.

I was born and grew up in the city Düsseldorf, Germany. Nevertheless, I feel strongly connected to nature and animals since my childhood. Animals have been by my side all my life. Be it dogs, horses, small animals or just a vacation on the farm. I can still remember how I happily distributed hay to the cows as a child.

I combined my affection for animals with my passion, painting and drawing. So it made sense that I mostly put animals on paper. Whether graphite, watercolor or oil, I taught myself every medium. In the meantime, I have specialized in pastel and acrylic.

After I started immortalizing my own dogs as paintings, other pet owners asked me for a portrait of their animals. After they were mostly moved to tears when they had such a beautiful memory in their hands, I was deeply moved, too.
What a wonderful gift to be part of these moments. We live in a time where pets are not “just” animals. They are family members who remain in our hearts even after their death. What a beautiful souvenir an animal portrait is. My special attention has always been on wild animals. From zebra to rhino to gorilla and bear. Be it the loud cry of the eagle in the sky or the fascination with big cats. I simply associate wild animals with nature and freedom. My big love is the wolf. I am deeply fascinated by his mystical, noble appearance and his loyalty paired with a fair and confident appearance. My best experience was when I was allowed to be up close to wolves in the compound. For this reason, the wolf belongs to my favorite motives. I hope I was able to give you a little insight of me and my love for art. Herzensmalerei

hyperrealistic tiger paintingAcrylic Tiger: “Fighter”

Hyper realistic wolf portraitAcrylic Black Wolf: “Desire”

Hyper Realistic lion portrait

Acrylic Lion: “Strong”

hyper realistic wolf pastel portraitPastel Wolf: “Brother Wolf”

hyper realistic gorilla pastel portraitThe Pastel Gorilla: “Silverback”

German shepherd dog paintingBlack German Shepherd in Pastel is My Dog “Joshi”

hyperrealistic lion portrait

Animal wolf portraitAcrylic Wolf: “Looks Into the soul”

1 Comment

  1. I am interested in some of your lion work and wonder I’d you can help me out in your pricing and sizes. Looking for something in my forever home. Thank you.


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