Naked woman oil painting

Francien Krieg paints older women as beautifully complete nudes

Francien Krieg lives and works in the centre of the Netherlands.. Krieg paints older women as beautifully complete nudes. She acknowledges the marks time has made upon the physical body and focuses our attention to a place where physical and spiritual beauty intersect. Imagining a world in which societal pressures lift and current narratives around physicality and the female body broaden. When viewing Francien’s nudes it is hard not to feel moved by their unflinching realism and stark depiction of female beauty.

As Alan Katz explains, “It is somewhat predictable that Krieg has suffered negative reactions to her work, as on the surface one might think she was portraying elderly women without respect. But Krieg is really commenting on beauty in much the same way as Sam Peckinpah was commenting on violence through his movies. Man’s ideal view of young female beauty does get shattered with age, but something else takes place of more importance…the realisation that once “idealized” beauty is gone, the innate beauty of spirit has the potential to create an outer beauty with a greater depth. Krieg’s personal vision is consistent and committed. She expresses herself through her art in ways that give her a unique point of view on the human condition.” ~ @Francien Krieg

The universe inside, nude oil paintingThe universe inside 90x70cm oil on linen

A certain shade of green, naked woman paintingA certain shade of green 60x80cm oil linen

Francien Krieg midnight blue - beautiful nude art paintingFrancien Krieg midnight blue 60x80cm oil linen

Figurative art by Francien Krieg

Invasion, nude woman paintingInvasion 60x90cm klein

Francien Krieg paints contemporary figurative oil paintingsWhen the fight is over, oil on panel, 21 x 28 cm 2021.

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