Beautiful filigree paper quilling by Gemma
Paper Art

The art of filigree paper quilling by Gemma

My name is Gemma and I am dedicated to the art of filigree paper known as quilling. I have always liked Fine Arts, Calligraphy, Nature and I feel that it comes from my connection with my mother. She has always been closely related to flowers, for her care and for the beauty and decoration that can be done and worked with flowers. She is a lover of flowers and gardens. My work would say that it stands out for the combination of colors and shapes that join each other giving a new shape. Currently, the works that I am doing are names, letters, signs with floral decoration, and Trees, animals, landscapes and everything is made with paper. ~ Gemma Florspaper

The art of filigree paper quilling by GemmaThe tree of life

The art of filigree paper quilling by GemmaThe green tree

Unique filigree paper quilling by GemmaLaia, beautiful name

Unique filigree paper quilling by Gemma

Maeve, Name of purple and turquoise colors

Beautiful filigree paper quilling by GemmaInitial P with Blue roses

Stunning filigree paper quilling by GemmaP for a baby room

Stunning filigree paper quilling by GemmaN with cherries

Stunning filigree paper quilling by GemmaM, Monogram with floral decoration

Stunning filigree paper quilling by GemmaB, with beautiful rosettes

Unique filigree paper quilling by GemmaH, full of hopes

Unique filigree paper quilling by GemmaA with grapes and wine.

Beautiful filigree paper quilling by GemmaThe Center. Mandala

Beautiful filigree paper quilling by GemmaA rainbow deer

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