Incredible colored pencil drawing

Self taught artist, incredible hyper realistic pencil drawings

My name is Harrie Vonk and I was born August 21st, 1970 in Heemskerk, The Netherlands. I moved to the United States in 2004 where I married my late wife Lori. I currently live in Boone, IA with my miniature Yorkie, Lucy and my cat, Georgie. In 2017 I finally became a US citizen.

I’m a self taught artist, starting drawing on graph paper with graphite pencils. I just started doing tattoo designs and various drawings. In the middle of 2016 I bought some cheap Wal Mart colored pencils and did my first colored pencil drawing. In 2017 I started using high end colored pencils and it took off from there. I have a regular day job, being head of an electronics department, so the rest of my time I spend drawing. Besides colored pencils, I also use copper wire and solder to create Art pieces and since recent, ink markers as well.

With my drawings I like to create vibrant colors with a lot of contrast. I do a lot of my drawings behind a dark background to make it pop. I’m still learning and challenging myself to go that one step further, hoping to do some Still-life drawings and portraits.

Another favorite subject of mine st to create drawings in just one or 2 colors, giving the viewer a different perspective on reality. With just one color you can create different moods/feelings.

I hope to continue my work and look forward to the future. Perhaps one day become a professional full time artist.

Carnivore colored pencil drawingCarnivore: Prismacolor Premier and Faber Castell Polychrome colored pencils on a 14 by 17 inch piece of Strathmore Medium Drawing paper. This Leopard might be a beautiful animan, it is still a carnivore. Hence the rocks resemble pieces of meat.

Iris flower drawing with colored pencilsIris in the Dark 1: Prismacolor Premier colored pencils on a 8 by 10 piece of Strathmore Medium drawing paper. This was a birthday present for my co-worker’s 90 year old mother. It is one of my favorie pieces.

Incredible Painting of iris flowerIris in the Dark 2: I Prismacolor Premier colored pencils on a 8 by 10 piece of Strathmore Medium drawing paper. want to create a whole series of my favorite flower. Perhaps for a calender.

Incredible colored pencil drawing

Light Inside: Prismacolor Premier colored pencils on a 9 by 12 piece of Strathmore Bristol Vellum drawing paper. This was a present for a friend of mine who made me a free painting. Reference with permission from Alexey Kljatov.

Sitting dog drawing with colored pencilsMolly: Prismacolor Premier colored pencils on a 9 by 12 piece of Strathmore Bristol Vellum drawing paper. A surprise commission for a friend’s friend. This was part of 2 dogs, one which had passed away.

Incredible church drawing with colored pencilsSacred Heart Church: Prismacolor Premier colored pencils on a 11 by 14 piece of Strathmore Medium drawing paper. This was a drawing I did for this church’s charity auction. I drew this one inch block at a time, with no sketch.

Tiger drawing portraits with colored pencilsTiger: Prismacolor Premier colored pencils on a 11 by 14 piece of Strathmore Medium drawing paper. This was another surprise drawing I did for a friend’s friend.

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