Brilliant acrylic paintings by Corrina Cooper
Abstract Art

The Beautiful Artwork of Corrina Cooper

Corrina Cooper is a practicing abstract artist residing in the South West of England. In 2010 she studied a BA in Fine Art at the University of Lincoln where Corrina developed an interest in ‘the everyday’. This was the beginning of a journey that although at times lost in the intimidating awe of the art world, held onto the notion of documenting fractured perspectives and thoughts and questioning the ‘norm’.

Inspiration for her work, initially goes back to her grandfather. A brilliant landscape artist whose paintings lit up Corrina’s early life. From, beautiful hill side views to steam engine scenes, they were aesthetically magical and came from a perspective of realism. This grounding for Corrina, blossomed into a career within the Arts & Education, developing her own practice whilst lecturing Fine Art to college students.

The restrictions of lockdown throughout 2020 and now 2021, the confines of a flat, and lack of being able to escape has unintentionally exemplified her creative bubble. Covid-19 has been devasting and life-changing for the entire world and ‘the everyday’ has considerably changed. Corrina believes that although the world may be fractured, that society, as we knew it, may seem broken, there is always hope. This is directly reflected within her painting. Her points of focus reflected in the titles of the work. The ‘fractured and broken’ reflected in the vorticist and even cubist abstraction within her painting.‘Hope’ is exemplified within the bright colours in her paintings. Corrina’s position, fractures thought geometrically but still holds a grasp on reality. O’Keefe meeting Gilbert & George and creating a Vorticist offshoot.

Corrina does not set out with a plan, but her style consistently incorporates a floral element which stems from the Vanitas Art movement and its symbolism – a direct reflection of society. Further Mary Swanzy, an Irish painter is also a strong influence here due to her cubist shapes and natural forms. Corrina’s points of influence allow for an abstract representation of still life’s that form part of our everyday, that at points everyone can connect to and yet somewhere within them route back to that realist approach from her grandfather. ~ Corrina Cooper

Brilliant acrylic painting by Corrina Cooper

Wall decor painting by Corrina CooperStunning Living room featuring Window 2020 & Shelf 2021

Stunning abstract painting by Corrina CooperLiving room featuring Window 2020

Shelf abstract art by Corrina Cooper

Beautiful canvas painting for living room, Shelf 2021

Window acrylic on canvas by Corrina CooperDecorative Wall Painting for Living Room, Window 2020

Windowsil Limited print series by Corrina Cooper Beautiful wall painting for living room, Window No.2 2020

Abstract acrylic painting by Corrina Cooper Beautiful Wall Painting Bottles on the Wall 2021

Shelf Limited Print Series by Corrina CooperBeautiful painting for wall Shelf No. 2021

Trendy wall decor with acrylic paintng by Corrina CooperBeautiful Living room featuring Bottles on the Wall No.2 2021

Beautiful abstract art by Corrina CooperBottles on the Wall No.2 2021

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