Spirited Colorist - Michelle Marra | Interior Paintings on Canvas
Abstract Art

Spirited Colorist – Michelle Marra | Abstract Art

As far back as I can remember I had a paintbrush in my hand. My mother recognized my obsession and enrolled me in private art lessons throughout my childhood into high school. Art took a back seat while making a career and then a family. I took up my brush in earnest about ten years ago while spending more time in Florida. I started working in oils and realism but knew I was missing something. Taking an acrylic and abstract painting workshop in 2012 changed my focus as it allowed me to give a visual voice to my inner world.

I see in swaths of color and light. Painting has become my meditation set into motion. I allow the colors and the initial marks to take me to the next step. It can be a complete joy and at the same time the process of not knowing can be completely nerve-wracking. I often say a bad day painting is better than a day of not painting at all!

I have studios in Delray Beach, FL; Mystic, CT and Asheville, NC. ~ Michelle Marra

Spirited Colorist - Michelle Marra | Interior Paintings on Canvas

Spirited Colorist - Michelle Marra | Interior Paintings on Canvas

Spirited Colorist - Michelle Marra | Interior Paintings on Canvas

Spirited Colorist - Michelle Marra | Interior Paintings on Canvas

Spirited Colorist - Michelle Marra | Interior Paintings on Canvas

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