Elena Makeup Artist and Painter
Makeup Art

Elena Makeup Artist and a Painter

My name is Elena, and I’m an artist, but also a makeup artist. In fact, I love to paint on all surfaces, from canvas to skin. In fact, for three years I participated in the bodypainting world championships in KLAGENFURT (AUSTRIA), in the facepaint category. I have been paralyzed in my legs since birth due to a spinal cord injury and I am in a wheelchair. In my paintings, there are often members of my family, especially my grandparents, with whom I had a special relationship. Each of my works is extremely colorful because I love vivid and bright shades. I believe that color is a way to make reality less sad and boring. I love to paint, both on canvas and on skin, exotic animals such as parrots, lions or peacocks. Physically, seeing some animals or places would be difficult with my wheelchair, but with my imagination, I can be anywhere. In this sense, I use my imagination to reach places I can’t see in reality. ~ @ennamakeup

Hand painting snake by Artist Elena

Painting Hand into a Snake by Artist Elena

Crocodile eye painting on hand by Artist Elena

Spider painted on hand by Artist Elena

White tiger face painting by Artist Elena

lion makeup art by Artist Elena

Optical illusion makeup art by Artist Elena

Beautiful guitar painting by Artist Elena

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