Unique acrylic pour painting techniques by Madeline Barclay
Acrylic paint pouring has no limits. If I could put it in metaphor I would compare it to being your own scientist. You research on YouTube and Google, finding methods and recipes. You mix your paint with so many different things or just water. Sometimes I use Elmer’s glue or mod podge, while I usually use Floetrol and water. There are no limits. Mistakes will happen but I truly believe there are no mistakes in art, for anything can be added to. I have had some pours turn out so bad and cracking, but instead of redoing them, I painted on them. Maybe a skull, bubbles, a landscape, again, there are no limits. In paint pouring, tools have no boundaries. My favorites are my hair dryer, giant straw, and ruler. Recycling boxes and fast food napkins help too, for things can be messy.
If it’s one thing I’ve learned while doing this is you can’t expect to be like any other paint pour artist. Listen to your intuition, and find something new. The best part about paint pouring is the brain exercises it gives while learning all the possibilities. It’s therapy at its finest. Humans are wired to create, so we must feed that need.
Please feel free to contact me through Facebook or Instagram and ask questions or talk art. @madelinerosebarclayart
Starting with the one me blowing- “Touching up with a bubble tea straw”
Ingredients- “Paint pouring requires you find your mix”
Two toned skull- “Blown Away”
Purple- “My Mermaid is Leaving”
“Happy Bubbles”
“Feeling Fall”
“The Leaf”