Artist Turns Metal Blades and Rods Into Amazing Wildlife Sculptures

The Artist Creates Incredible Sculptures From Metal Blades and Rods

Fernando Suarez is an enormously versatile sculptor. His training, his mastery of the environment, and his untiring creative capacity allow him to travel on many different paths of creativity, although these paths may share similar challenges. He works preferably with iron and bronze, but it is surprising the multiple resources he uses to diversify its production. From utilizing materials like resin for example to manipulating the multiplying effects of mirrors, or to exploit all the options offered by the Spatial occupation, with a singular obsession for movement and weightlessness.

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He is primarily interested in the human body and is capable of deepening both his psychic surroundings with the most varied formal solutions. He uses a model of a strong man, strong muscular complexion, pushed to the most unsuspecting limits. Active, restless, the tried-and-tested man who must overcome, who jumps, climbs, runs, fights, or maintains balance, in a continuous game of equilibrium. Fernando Suarez possesses an unusual mastery of capturing the rhythm, the gesture, the precise moment to freeze an image in time while studying its dynamic potential. He is a special man, whose muscles are shaped with metal blades and rods, and therefore is also a hybrid machine, often immersed in suggestive futuristic poses. But he also studies the individual as a creator, as the inventor of vehicles and gadgets, or as a being that transforms his environment.

This involves bridges, architecture, and unique buildings from exotic settings evoking distant environments, or blocks of flats under construction or destroyed by fire, urban agglomerations, or the ironic circulatory chaos shown in an absurd and endless circle. All are constructed active and structural, sometimes very complex, that allows him to explore new and rich possibilities utilizing plastic. Fernando Suarez

Artist Creates Incredible Sculptures From Metal Blades and Rods

In every journey, a moment of action creates uncertainty before the events that are to come, just as in the process of realization of creative work, a creator is surrounded by permanent uncertainty. During this period of time, the artist must answer and face different questions and issues that frequently come up during the creative process. You have a clear idea of the creative work but not of its complete form. For this reason, the search for formal solutions is constant and requires an enormous mental and cognitive effort. This uncertainty of the mind is what stimulates the author to develop as an artist and also motivates him to take on new projects. It is dangerous to fall into monotony and conformism, either by the exhaustion of ideas or, even if it seems contradictory, by the rewards of success. You must always ask new questions that lead you to doubt and cause you to think anew without considering what has already been done. The creative process is by no means linear, there are many failures. Mistakes that lead to corrections and changes in the way you work in order to continue to grow in your personal career. As stated by Alfredo Munoz, a social psychologist at the Universidad of Complutense in Madrid: ‘You should not lose the ability to have fun’

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Artist Creates Incredible Sculptures From Metal Blades and Rods


Artist Creates Incredible Sculptures From Metal Blades and Rods

Artist Creates Incredible Sculptures From Metal Blades and Rods


Artist Creates Incredible Sculptures From Metal Blades and Rods


Artist Creates Incredible Sculptures From Metal Blades and Rods


Artist Creates Incredible Sculptures From Metal Blades and Rods


Artist Creates Incredible Sculptures From Metal Blades and Rods



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