archiveoceanside painting

Nina Albiniova Oil Painter

Beautiful Seascape Oil Paintings by Artist Nina Albiniova

My name is Nina Albiniova and I'm an oil painter. Growing up an eight hour drive away from the closest sea, it wasn't until my fifteenth till I met my main painting subject – the sea. I believe that seeing it for the first time at that age made a...
Beautiful Ocean Resin Art by Michelle Tracey

Bringing peaceful Divine energy into souls and homes

Michelle Tracey is a fluid abstract, ocean resin, and fantasy artist living on the Central Coast NSW, Australia. Early in 2020, Michelle transition from fantasy watercolour paintings to beautiful acrylic abstract paintings on stretched canvas. Her art evolved as she followed a calling to develop a new style that connects...
Paintings Of Ocean Water and Sky With Acrylic Paint

Paintings Of Ocean Water And Sky In Acrylic

I am a self-taught artist from Keene, Ontario Canada. I'm particularly attracted by the fluidity and the link between water and painting, which has recently become a common theme in most of my works. I love the freedom of painting water and skys, there are never two the same and...

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