Artist Koko Alexander

Los Angeles based Artist Koko Alexander

My Name is Koko Alexander, and I am an artist living in Los Angeles. I would say my paintings are vibrant, whimsical, and very dreamy. I just love color to be honest. Living in LA has definitely influenced my style. I love the architecture and terrain that is wrapped up in an utterly huge and exciting city. It really fascinates me. If you step outside and look up, you see completely still palm trees against a never ending blue sky, but also high rise buildings, neon signs, and mansions on rolling hills. It just seems very otherworldly and like a surrealist painting in itself.

I am currently working on a Palm Springs series which you see in the photos here. It’s a historical town a couple hours away in the desert, and to me, it feels like a paradisiacal time capsule. My two favorite artists are David Hockney and Edward Hopper, who both have a huge influence in my work. People could describe my artistic style as a hybrid of ‘Nighthawks’ and ‘A Bigger Splash’. I think I love Hockney so much is because we share a common ground of both being gay and living (at one point or another) in Los Angeles, and to me the paintings that he created while living here in the 60’s seem that much more meaningful. ~ @kokoalexander

Joy Ride Oil Painting on canvas by Koko Alexander

Painter and Digital Artist Portrait Koko Alexander

Poolside Goss acrylic and oil on canvas by Koko Alexander

Dip Oil painting on canvas by Koko Alexander

California Day Dream Acrylic on canvas by Koko Alexander

Gazing figure painting using acrylic and oil on panel by Koko Alexander

An Extraterrestrial Terrain Oil painting on canvas by Koko Alexander

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