Digital Painting

Mind-Blowing AI Art Styles
Art TechniquesDigital Painting

20+ Mind-blowing AI Art Styles That Will Transform Your Creativity

The rapid evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) has given artists, designers, and hobbyists a creative playground where imagination meets cutting-edge technology. From transforming photographs into stunning visual masterpieces to creating entirely new art forms, AI art styles have captivated the world. This article dives deep into 20+ remarkable AI art...
Wondrous pop art by Finnish artist Diana Ringo
Digital Painting

Wondrous pop art by Finnish artist Diana Ringo

Diana Ringo is a Finnish contemporary artist, filmmaker and musician currently living in Turku. She creates colorful pop art portraits of celebrities, mixed media collages, still lives, fantasy works and abstract pieces. She has painted pop art portraits of musicians David Bowie, Taylor Swift, actors Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio, communist...
Create digital art by Luise Eru
Digital Painting

Luise Eru Digital Collage Artist

Luise Eru was born in 1998 in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. He is an outsider artist. Eru began to explore digital art in 2019, when he created his first digital collages. Since then his artistic career took off very quickly. Eru already exhibited his work in various international venues, including at...
Pop Art Portrait
Digital Painting

Josix Lozada Neo Pop Art Digital Paintings

Hi, I'm Josix Lozada, or as I am best known on the networks (Instagram) as Josix Design. 36-year-old Venezuelan. Educator, graphic designer and illustrator. I mostly lean towards Andy Warhol's Pop Art style, but at the same time, I can give my (digital) paintings an innovative style due to their...
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