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Minimalist couple line art by Anna Bressi – black and white illustration of love and connection

Minimalist Line Art: Anna’s Delicate Touch in Capturing Life’s Simple Pleasures

A young, multi-talented artist, Anna lives in Europe. Soft textures, minimal line work, delicate tones, and subdued colour selections are characteristics that set her works apart, irrespective of method or subject matter. Having been sold and displayed in several houses throughout the globe, her artwork speaks a genuine and universal...
What is Sustainable Art?

What is Sustainable Art? A Realistic Guide to Eco-Friendly Creativity

In today’s world, the impact of human activities on the environment has become increasingly concerning. While industries like manufacturing and energy are often in the spotlight, the art world isn’t immune to the discussion of sustainability. Artists rely on materials and processes that can sometimes contribute to pollution, resource depletion,...
Realistic elephant pencil drawing

Stunning Realistic Pet Portraits and Wildlife Art by Nikki Zeebroek

My name is Nikki Zeebroek, and I’m a 24-year-old artist from Belgium, specializing in hyperrealistic pastel portraits. Since 2021, I’ve created portraits for clients worldwide, including pets, horses, birds, and people. I’m passionate about bringing unique and meaningful portraits to life, and I’ve recently started exploring wildlife art. Drawing has...
Beautiful hand-drawn portrait by professional artist

The Journey of Grace Murray-Rowley, Pencil Portrait Artist

Grace Murray-Rowley has always used art to communicate with others and capture moments that words can't describe. She has been specialising in pencil portraits of loved ones, families, and pets for more than 15 years. She made the move to become a full-time artist in 2019. Every drawing captures the...
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