archivecraft paper art

Beautiful Paper Cut Illustration Art
Paper Art

Paper Cut Illustration Artist Anna Simonova

My name is Anna Simonova and I am a paper artist. I have been engaged in paper art since 2007, that is, for 15 years. I mainly work in the technique of paper relief and use both colored and white paper. I love paper with various types of embossing and...
Paper artist Eugenia Zoloto
Paper Art

Ukrainian Paper Artist Eugenia Zoloto

My name is Eugenia Zoloto and I am a paper artist. I create big paper dresses and small volumed paper collages, adore different forms of paper art and cut for about 9 years. I live in Kyiv, Ukraine, so for the last 100 days I couldn't get a lot into...
3d alcohol ink art ideas by Zuzana Borysek
Paper Art

3D Alcohol Ink Art by Artist Zuzana Borysek

My name is Zuzana Borysek / Z5art, I come from Slovakia, and I live in Germany. I am an artist with a demonstrated history in several fields covering digital media and classic fine arts. I love to work with different media, exploring new techniques and combining these into a new...

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