Gorgeous fashion dress drawings by Varvarami
Fashion Illustration

Gorgeous Fashion Illustration Sketches by VarvaraMi

My name is VarvaraMi and I am a fashion illustrator from Russia, Saint Petersburg!

I was always in love with fashion and drawing so one day I decided to combine two of my passions. That day was the happiest in my life as I eventually found my lifework. I started studying fashion illustration and drawing every single day.

Now I work as fashion illustrator and take orders from all over the world, participate in fashion weeks, make portraits and create more and more unique sketches and illustrations. I draw using traditional materials like pencils, pens, markers or water color and also I make digital illustrations.

My inspiration is everything that I see in this world, as if you look closer you can find beauty everywhere. So let’s observe this magnificent world and create beauty! ~ VarvaraMi_art

Beautiful fashion illustration by varvarami_art's profile picture Varvarami

Beautiful fashion dress illustration by Varvarami

Modern Fashion Illustration sketches by VarvaraMi

Beautiful fashion illustration sketches by Varvarami

Fashion illustration drawings by Varvarami

Fashion illustration sketches by Varvarami

Modern Fashion Illustration sketches by VarvaraMi

Modern Fashion Illustration sketches by VarvaraMi

Modern Fashion Illustration sketches by VarvaraMi

Modern Fashion Illustration sketches by VarvaraMi

Modern Fashion Illustration sketches by VarvaraMi

Modern Fashion Illustration sketches by VarvaraMi

Modern Fashion Illustration sketches by VarvaraMi

Modern Fashion Illustration sketches by VarvaraMi

Modern Fashion Illustration sketches by VarvaraMi

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