Model woman at bar paintings

Figurative Paintings In My Series Of Romantic Pursuits

My latest series of fine art original oil paintings, all created on stretched cotton canvas using a knife, in a limited colour palette and mixing only on the canvas.

I define my artwork style as being contemporary realism and the technique I employ is a form of segmented Alla prima, completed in three wet on wet layers during each painting session: The dark shadows and undertones, the mid-tones and then the highlights and light glaze effects. These particular compositions have a high chiaroscuro effect and I complete the underpainting layer in a lean black paint allowing the sweeping knife application textures to remain and effect the main subject in the second layer which transition into the deep shadows in a drybrush technique by scraping back.

My figurative compositions are influenced and inspired by the realism and romanticism of my favourite post renaissance classical Masters and their timeless, romantic masterpieces. William Bouguereau in particular. They entail high contrast, dramatic lighting and shading, as I simply adore light and am fascinated with its arguably undue influence on any subject. With the subjects, I aim to capture a moody atmosphere full of drama, passion and emotion, rather than characteristic individual representation of a traditional portrait. ~ Richard Young

Model woman at bar painting by Artist Richard Young

Whiskey Neat bar painting by Artist Richard Young

Time to Reflect bar realistic portrait painting by Artist Richard Young

Nightcap Bar painting by Artist Richard Young

Late Night Deliberation painting by Artist Richard Young

In the Midnight Hour Bar Painting by Artist Richard Young

Looking for Love Bar painting by Artist Richard Young

Cheers painting by Artist Richard Young

Woman at the bar paintings by Artist Richard Young

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