archiveincredible paintings

Underwater girl Painting by Marissa Oosterlee

Marissa Oosterlee Beautiful Hypperrealistic Portraits of Women Submerged in Water

With my representations, I want to portray reality. We are all part of a larger whole, but we do not always see that. I believe in the power and the endless possibilities of an image. The longer you look at the water, the more abstract it will become. It will...
Still life oil painting by Rebecca Ritchie

Hyperrealistic Still Life Paintings Of Everyday Life

I have always loved painting right from an early age. I have fond memories of my grandfather teaching me how to paint reflections on a vase in his garden shed studio. Following art school, I went on to have a thoroughly enjoyable career in television set design, which I eventually...
Artist Julia Kempa creates hyperrealistic paintings

Artist Julia Kempa creates hyperrealistic paintings

After a few years of precise studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in Poland, Julia Kempa creates hyperrealistic paintings based on her imaginative and surrealistic visions of figures, scenes and emotions. A digitally manipulated photograph is used as a medium in the process of recreating dreamy portraits and imaginative...
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