Creating stunning illustrations of women in black outfits
Hello there, my name is Hafousoi and I am a 30 years old woman living in France. Let me introduce you into my universe called “Artbeat Diary” where women are the main characters. But first, let me try to explain my connection with art. Well it all begins with cinema. My childhood was all about the Hindi film industry also known as Bollywood. It was through this media that I was introduced to “beautiful outfits” and later on, I took interest in fashion. I am a woman who is attracted to every kind of art, and that’s why my signature name is “Artbeat Diary”.
As a teenager, I used to draw women and imagine stories surrounding my illustrations, just like movies. I used to make moodboards where I collected the most beautiful south asian and western clothes. And from that, it helps me create and draw. As an introvert, drawing quickly became a way to release an overflowing imagination and also, to be able to express myself completely.
I will not describe my art as fashion illustration because I think my drawings do not represent fashion illustration techniques. My drawings mainly represent women in black outfits with a background story. For me, black is a “color” that represents sensuality, mystery, elegance and erotism. Back then, I used to draw with many colors but as the years goes by black became my signature. My creations highlight the woman’s body while emphasizing the sensual side, by revealing certain parts of the body.
In the future I see myself as a stylist without the sewing part, or living my life by just selling my drawings. Who knows ? Check out my Instagram account @_artbeatdiary_ and here is the link to my website/portfolio :