Abstract Art

abstract floral paintings
Abstract Art

Abstract Colorful Nature Floral Paintings by Artist Susanne Kurwig

My name is Susanne Kurwig, lives and works in Essen, Germany. I paint floral impressions. My work is inspired by nature, my garden, the sky, the earth, the sun and the wind. When I paint I follow the stream of my creativity. Stimulated by flora I abstract these natural impressions...
mixed media canvas art
Abstract Art

Nino Anin: Abstract Mixed Media Canvas Art Paintings

Variety has been my motto from very early on. I studied graphic design/visual communication, painting and photography, classical and modern dance and psychology. I experiment on different surfaces with acrylic, alcohol ink, encaustic and cold wax, oxide media and texture materials on paper, ceramic tiles, canvas and metal fondations, always aiming...
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