Artist Prithika Deivasigamani Creates anti-memorials

Counter-memory Project: Memorializing Unbearable Memories

I am a practitioner of counter-memory, and I create sculptural installations that are anti-memorials of traumatic historical events. I present narratives that are elided from dominant cultural discourse to disrupt hegemonic collective memories.
I founded the Counter-memory Project in 2008. Transnational in scope, it comprises of sculptural art installations that memorialize difficult memories from around the world, such as partitions of countries, civil and military wars, riots, border violence, genocides, and terrorist attacks.

My large-scale sculptures and site-sensitive installations reference the body to memorialize unbearable and difficult memories.

I seek to connect seemingly disparate geopolitical contexts because I believe that it is important to bring bridges into being. Counter-memories of communities and nations provide the viscera with which I build these bridges in my work.

As an interdisciplinary artist, I migrate between fibers, latex, paper, clay, glass, metal, wood, poetry, and drawing. The maker in me enjoys the sensuality of different materials, and the scholar in me pursues the cultural references that different materials introduce into my work. ~ Prithika Deivasigamani

The Monuments of Forgetting

Counter Memory Broken Column3

Counter Memory Broken Column4

CounterMemory Broken Column

Silent Waters Partition of 1947

Prithika Deivasigamani Silent Waters Partition of 1947

Silent Waters Partition of 1947 Prithika Deivasigamani

Remembering the Crooked Line PritikaChowdhry

Remembering the Crooked Line

Counter Memory Broken Column2

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