Inspirational Wildlife Sculpture

Beautiful Wild Animal Sculptures That Reflects The Life Of Human Emotions

I am a French sculpting artist. I graduated from the School of Fine Arts in Annecy. In my work, I create characters with whom I want to surround myself with. They are a mixture of different animal and human forms. I try to put in their curves and their expressions, all the softness possible. They keep their eyes closed as if they were in meditation or inwardness. They transmit empathy and calm. Through these characters, I wanted to create a dreamlike and poetic universe. I like to imagine the secret life of these creatures.

I, of course, observe nature and its inhabitants with great interest. I am also interested in religious iconography, that of ancient Egypt, virgins or Buddhas. I sometimes see my characters as small benevolent nature deities.

The creation process is slow and painstaking. Different materials overlap over the days. The sanding is careful to soften the forms. Little by little I like to give life to this inert material. ~ Clementine Bal

New born animal sculptures

The Art of Animal Sculpture

Beautiful wild animal sculptures about the hidden life of animals

Beautiful Couple Wildlife Art Sculptures

Animal Wildlife art Sculptures

About The Hidden Life of Animals

Animal Sculptures That Reflects Of Human Emotions

Beautiful Animal Sculptures

Animal Wildlife Sculptures

Wildlife and Animal Sculpture


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