archivecontemporary art painting

Surrealism paintings by Vivien Szaniszlo

Vivien Szaniszlo Hungarian based Surrealist Painter

I am a self-taught, Hungarian based surrealist painter. Mostly I express myself through women portraits and complex woman paintings; usually, I use vivid colors to 'speak' by my brushstrokes. I love to put dark twists in my art; one of the most important things is for me to motivate people...
Female figure painting art by Krystof Novotny

Artist Krystof Novotny: What it feels like for a girl

What it feels like for a girl is a comprehensive exhibition conceived into a series of twenty oil paintings depicting a woman's life. It is a figurative painting, while the depicted ladies come mostly from the life of Krystof Novotny. His effort is to capture women's desires, thoughts, and feelings...
Paintings With Different Techniques of Liquid Acrylic paints

Paintings With Different Techniques of Liquid Acrylic

My name is Vaiva Tuckuviene, I never entertained the idea or craft of painting until my daughter bought me painting supplies and a canvas for my birthday. Since that day, my hand has been free-flowing, my ideas everlasting, and my passion ignited. Nothing brings me more joy. With a background...
human soul paintings by David Deweerdt

Contemporary Human Figure Paintings by David Deweerdt

Born in Berchem Saint Agathe (Belgium) in 1967, David Deweerdt is a plastic artist & animator of workshops of artistic expressions, intervener with population coming from psychiatry and or carrying mental disability. ~ David Deweerdt ''In my pictorial work I try to convey a certain point of view on what...

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