archivecharcoal figure drawing female

Charcoal Portrait Drawings Artist Jeff Haines

Portrait and Figure Artist Jeff Haines

My name is Jeff Haines and I am a portrait and figure artist currently living in California. Drawing and painting people is a challenging pursuit, but the attempt to capture someone's spirit while juggling form and anatomy has always fascinated me. It feels like chasing something intangible at times, but...
True North Oil on Linen by artist Eric J Drummond

The figures and portraits by the Painter Eric J Drummond

Eric began drawing at an early age. Born to parents from Madeira, Portugal and Le Marche,Italy; he was constantly inspired by western art, specifically the Italian Renaissance. Some of the artists most influential to Eric over the years include Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Pontormo,Bronzino, Cellini, Bernini, Luca Giordano, Tintoretto, Rembrandt,...

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