Realism and Surrealism art styles are found in my work

Realism and Surrealism art styles are found in my work

My name is Gabriele. I am 21 years old Lithuanian mostly soft pastel and also a mixed media artist. Realism and surrealism are the main art styles that can be found in my work. My source of inspiration is beautiful nature which is a part of all of us. It changes constantly by bringing different elements, colors and ornaments which can be found even in the most unexpected places. I love to embrace treasures of a nature by making my drawings of vivid colors.

Sometimes I just imagine some visions that slides through my eyes so rapidly. Although it is just a little spark it is enough to get inspired instantly and go with the flow to make my visions come to life through my drawings. Sometimes I just play with different pictures and so I try to combine them to create something new and stunning. I enjoy experimenting with different art mediums. I give complete freedom to experiment even though sometimes it can go so wrong. However, there are times when my journey of trying and also failing brings unexpected results. I mostly draw flowers, birds and other animals. Ever since I remember myself drawing has always been a fascinating part of my life. The witch keeps me inspired and passionate to continue creating and bringing more colors to everyone’s lives. ~ Gabriele Bucyte

Flamingo bird painting by Gabriele“Flamingo” Soft pastels.

Pastel painting flowers by Gabriele“Sleeping Rose” Soft pastel art.

Owl bird painting “Magic winter” Soft pastels.

bouquet of flowers painting by Gabriele

“Summer winds” Soft pastels.

Blue Jay with rose painting“Blue Jay” Colored pencil painting.

Soft pastel painting by Gabriele “When the time stops” Soft pastel painting

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