Oil Paintings on Canvas by Alisa Gurova
Alisa Gurova was born on in Kiev, Ukraine. She is a professional dancer and an artist.
Alisa started drawing from the very beginning as a small child. She stopped doing it when she discovered the world of dance and dedicated herself fully to this form of art. She received a master degree as a contemporary choreographer and went to study in the USA where she practiced in Boston ballet, took different dance classes in the best US dance studios.
When she came back to Ukraine she started to draw again. Alisa draws in different styles including oil , acrylic, pencils, pastel, and watercolor. ~ Alisa Gurova
“Chicken” oil on canvas 30x30cm
“The deepness” oil on canvas 70x50cm
“The pride” oil on canvas 100x70cm
“Sea Horse” Oil Painting on canvas 20x30cm
“The Master of Light” Oil Painting on canvas 50x80cm
“Passion” Oil Painting on canvas 40x50cm
“White Owl” Oil Painting on canvas 50x60cm
“Comfort” Oil Painting on canvas 50x50cm
“Owl” Oil Painting on canvas 20x30cm