Black and White Flower Design Hand-Drawn Illustrations

Hand-Drawn Illustration Black and White Flower Designs

NYC has been my hometown for the past 27 years. Although I was born in Minsk, Belarus more than half of my life has been spent in the big apple. I’m a wife and a Mom to a girl and a boy to whom, I am a full-time stay at home mom.

My background is completely and oddly irrelevant to the art industry, although I always loved drawing and never was formally thought so I am a self-thought artist.

My art journey began in November 2019 after a deep conversation with a friend who asked me to create her few sketches. I went on a research and discovered the wonderful world of Zentangle Art, that got me so excited and I haven’t stopped creating with the pigment ink pens ever since.

The Passion I have for black and white drawings has been my biggest craving to continue to create and make others happy when they come across of my drawings.

The biggest accomplishment to-date was the ability to self-publish my very 1st coloring book consisting of 40 of my illustrations. ~ Zentangle Art Story

Hand-Drawn Black Ink Flower Illustrations by Zentangle Art

Hand-Drawn Black Ink Flower Illustrations by Zentangle Art

Hand-Drawn Black Ink Flower Illustrations by Zentangle Art

Hand-Drawn Black Ink Flower Illustrations by Zentangle Art

Hand-Drawn Black Ink Flower Illustrations by Zentangle Art

Hand-Drawn Black Ink Flower Illustrations by Zentangle Art

Hand-Drawn Black Ink Flower Illustrations by Zentangle Art

Hand-Drawn Black Ink Flower Illustrations by Zentangle Art

Hand-Drawn Black Ink Flower Illustrations by Zentangle Art

Hand-Drawn Black Ink Flower Illustrations by Zentangle Art

Hand-Drawn Black Ink Flower Illustrations by Zentangle Art

Hand-Drawn Black Ink Flower Illustrations by Zentangle Art

Hand-Drawn Black Ink Flower Illustrations by Zentangle Art

Hand-Drawn Black Ink Flower Illustrations by Zentangle Art

Hand-Drawn Black Ink Flower Illustrations by Zentangle Art

Hand-Drawn Black Ink Flower Illustrations by Zentangle Art

Anna Zubarev Says Story: « The journey of self-discovery is one that everyone goes through. For me, throughout the years I have dabbled in many areas and while I learned a lot, I found myself unhappy. It wasn’t until I discovered the amazing world of Zentangling that I felt that fulfillment. It was then that I felt I was inspiring others to be happy and have their bit of peace in this crazy world until now.

My journey began one faithful day, a wonderful friend inspired me to pick up my tools and begin drawing. Knowing that I have always been an artist and loved to create she said: “create me something, anything”. That was the true beginning of my journey. As I scrolled through the huge world of online and allowed myself to be free I found a form of art that not only set me free but brought healing to me.

Yes, I found this amazing world and dove right in but it was still a process. I had to learn, heal and truly believe within myself. It took time, practice, and allowing myself to be free. Finding joy within every line and healing within every swirl, I knew I had to share this with you.

Now with each piece of art, I create I leave apart of me within it. I truly get to communicate with the world through each design. I knew that this brought me joy and made me feel alive. So, with music in my ears and the hush, at my home, I poured my heart and soul on to that blank canvas. With such a pure heart to just be me drawing after drawing came out. I didn’t want to stop. The rhythmic melody dancing in my ears and invading my space activated within me a love and passion I hid long ago. It was in that place there was no judgment, my mind became clear and I found me. Yes, the me I had been looking for. The beautiful thing about it is I also found what I could do to make a difference, the difference that brings others happiness as much as it does to me. To change a piece of the world one drawing at a time and leave my mark.

Enjoy my carefully crafted, hand-drawn designs that will bring you peace and healing for hours. Use colored pencils or markers and explore the possibilities I just want you to get a glimpse into that part of my life when I draw and what makes me happy when I do it.

Talk about magic unfold right in front of your eyes, this is me referring to the magic that unfolds on the canvas I lay my art on. Never did I imagine I would be here or that I was capable but with each new canvas it challenges me to create something even better than before. The moment when your vision becomes your reality and the final result of your vision pleases your eyes to the extent of the childish excitement. Yes, I want to share that with you. Within these lines, you will find clarity, healing, peace, and happiness that I found. I hope to bring you even just a fraction of the joy that I have when creating this art for you.

Inspiration is everywhere and often in unexpected places: you just have to keep your eyes open. Within these pages let inspiration take you to a new world, the world of Zentangle. »

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