Yoel Marek Inspirational Oil Paintings
I’m Yoel Marek from the Galilee of Israel. Married and father of three pretty girls.
I live in Kibbutz Kefar Szold a natural pearl, at the heart of a wild view where I get my inspiration and imagination for my paintings. I paint in broad techniques and select various topics that I feel bond and connection for my paintings. Most of my artwork is oil paints based, which I love to work with. I always liked to paint.
My grandfather pained his exterior house in Ma’alot during the ’70 which became a sort of a local attraction. My father, which worked as an earthwork constructor started to paint one day.
He was so eager to paint that he simply took a cartoon shoe box and painted on its cover.
He still saves that painting though he painted hundreds of pictures ever since.
So, it is not that of a surprise that painting is a passion of mine. I feel it is part of me. In my veins.
During the daytime, I’m traveling, running and find the beauty of life, relaxation, and my fluffiness by painting things I see and ideas I have.
This is my way to express myself, my admiration and gratitude for the life I was given. ~ Yoel Marek
Thanks for your support @trendyartideas ❤
I love this art looks amazing ! I love the lines and the colors he chose for his art
where can we see his work?
Wowwwww Amazing!!!