Hand Embroidered Bird Brooches by Paulina

Hand Embroidered Bird Brooches by Paulina

My name is Paulina Bartnik and I’m an artist from Poland. For the few years I created embroidered bird brooches using only felt, and threads. For me, embroidery is a very peaceful and relaxing process. What inspires me the most is nature. I decided to embroider birds because they have perfect shapes and amazing colors. Threads and stitches can imitates feathers so well – I love the moment when my embroidered birds ‘comes alive’. ~ paulina bart

Hand Embroidered Bird Brooches by PaulinaBarn Owl Brooch

Hand Embroidered Bird Brooches by PaulinaCrimson Rosella Brooch

Hand Embroidered Bird Brooches by PaulinaHummingbird Brooch

Hand Embroidered Bird Brooches by Paulina
Hummingbird Kopia Brooch

Hand Embroidered Bird Brooches by PaulinaRaven Brooch

Hand Embroidered Bird Brooches by PaulinaRed Munia Brooch Hand Embroidered Bird Brooches by PaulinaRegent Honeyeater Brooch

Hand Embroidered Bird Brooches by PaulinaSpoted Pardalotte Brooch Hand Embroidered Bird Brooches by PaulinaTui Bird Brooch

Hand Embroidered Bird Brooches by PaulinaCockatoo Brooch

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